Retrieving My Vehicle

What Does It Cost To Retrieve My Vehicle?

The impound fees are in accordance with those authorized by the Washington State Patrol. The current hourly rate for class A vehicles is $297 per hour for the tow operator’s time and equipment use.
The daily rate of storage is $75 per day if the vehicle is 20 feet in length or less.
Private vehicle impound rates for class A are $400.95 an hour and $101.25 a day storage.
Outside the hours of 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday, any holiday, or weekend, there is an additional after hours release fee of $149 plus tax over and above the hourly impound and daily storage fees.

How Do I Get My Car Or Personal Belongings?

Redemption procedures are in strict accordance with RCW Title 46.55.120.
You must be the LEGAL owner, the REGISTERED owner, or INSURER of said vehicle.
You must have government issued photo identification. ID must be current within 90 days.
If you are redeeming a vehicle and do not have a current (valid) driver’s license, you will still be required to provide picture ID. Should you not have your driver’s license with you or your driver’s license is no longer valid, please be advised that you must provide a “licensed” driver to remove your vehicle from any of our impound lots.
Only loose personal belongings may be removed from an impounded vehicle.
All vehicles placed on hold by a police department, will require a court release before you can get your car.
You must pay with cash or credit card.

What If I Am Not The Registered or Legal Owner?

Bring the Registered or Legal owner
Bring an original notarized letter signed by the vehicle owner stating that you are their authorized agent allowed to pick-up their vehicle or property. Government issued photo ID required.

Can I Redeem A Car With A Bill Of Sale?

A bill-of-sale does not constitute proof of ownership in Washington State, and therefore cannot be used to redeem an impounded vehicle.
You must go to a licensing agent and transfer the vehicles’ registration into your name before attempting to redeem the vehicle.


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